Software Assurance

COMPU-DATA International, LLC (CDI) standard Software Assurance program applies to all CDI Products and includes software upgrades, updates, resolution to software bugs and access to the Support Center.

The Annual Software Assurance offered by CDI is a fee based customer subscription which provides new software versions, updates and upgrades at no additional cost provided the annual software subscription is current for the software product in question. In addition to software upgrades this program offers technical information and resolution to software bugs that may occur while the customer is subscribed to this program.  Primary technical information and patches are provided by CD distribution or via the standard web based and email system delivered in the Support Center. CDI's Annual Software Assurance shall include standard releases containing improvements or modifications to the Software, where such improvements or modifications are not priced as separate new products or options (“Standard Release”).

Benefits of the subscription program include the following:

  • Software Updates: Access to all latest product upgrades, patches and documentation.
  • Standard Information Access: Access to technical information during standard regional working hours by telephone, e-mail, or on-line via the Support Center.
  • Support Center: The Support Center provides a shared knowledge base for subscribers to the Software Assurance Program and which are current with their subscription fee.

For more information about our Software Assurance Program offerings and Subscription Fees please email us: